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2022 NASPA Foundation Channing Briggs Small Grant Submission

- 4/30/2022

Overview of Initiative

The NASPA Foundation supports the discovery of new knowledge through research and innovation in the field of student affairs. This is achieved through a continued commitment to funding selected proposals as submitted to the Foundation. The NASPA Foundation has re-opened the Channing Briggs Small Research Grants and will provide funding of small grants up to $5,000. Applicants encouraged to apply are: graduate students, student affairs professionals, faculty members, as well as a research team. The applicant or at least one member of the team must be a NASPA member. More information about the grant can be found here:

Proposals due: January 28, 2022

If you have any questions, please contact Lucy Fort, Associate Director, NASPA Foundation at [email protected]

Contact Information
First Name:  Required
Last Name:  Required
NASPA Member ID:  Required
Email:  Required
Phone Number:  Required
Title:  Required
Institution Name:  Required
Street 1:
Street 2:
Zip Code:
Proposal Submission
Research Title:  Required

Please upload your proposal submission here.


Grant applications should be no more than four narrative pages (the cover page and the project budget can be separate pages), 12-point font, single-spaced, and should contain the following:

1)      A cover page identifying:

  1. The research proposal title
  2. The primary investigator(s), and the investigative team names

2)      The purpose and rationale for the study, and specifically how it is relevant to the profession of student affairs and at least one of NASPA’s four guiding principles

3)      A brief description of the study which should include a brief summary of the literature review and its proposed methodology and methods

4)      An explanation as to how this project will address and/or contribute to the discovery of new knowledge, new applications of theory to practice and/or innovation in the field of student affairs

5)      A full budget for the project, as well as an indication of other sources of funding for the project, if any has been solicited or obtained

6)      An explanation of how the funds sought from NASPA will be used (The Foundation will only fund costs directly related to conducting the research project. See below for more details).

Proposal Submission:  Required
Provide short title (Proposal Submission):  Required
Application Approval

By checking the box below, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Acknowledgement of the NASPA Foundation funding support in all phases of the research project
  2. Agreement to permit the Foundation and NASPA to post the awarding of the grant with a summary of the project and list the primary investigator(s) and the project team, if applicable, on NASPA web pages and NASPA’s social media platforms
  3. Agreement not to use any part or portion of the project for commercial purposes (e.g. not to sell an instrument for profit)
  4. Agreement to deposit the grant funds into an institutional account and identification of where the account will be located
  5. Agreement to provide the Foundation with a complete summary of project and the findings within six months of completion of the project. Once the funds are sent, you have 12 months to complete the project
  6. Agreement to allow NASPA to post the results on the Foundation and NASPA web pages for general dissemination
  7. Agreement to provide the Foundation with a detailed account of how the funds were expended no later than 18 months after the receipt of the grant funds
  8. Agreement to submit the results of the research to a NASPA journal in the form of a refereed article and/or for a presentation via a workshop, scholarly paper session, or poster session of the findings at a NASPA conference. Currently the NASPA journals include: the Journal of Student Affairs Theory and Practice, the Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education and the Journal of College and Character. Note that submitting a manuscript for review does not guarantee it will be published.
Please check the box below acknowledging the above terms.  Required

 I acknowledge and accept the terms of NASPA's Channing Briggs Small Grant process as outlined above.  
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